Thursday, April 9, 2009

Just Like That

Forgive me if this post is jumbled because I am still in awe of what just happened today.

It may not seem like a big deal for those whimsical, spur of the moment folks out there, but for this girl who plans and plans and plans what happened today was monumental.

Let me back up..

A few weeks ago a co-worker told me about this site: Luxury Link. Basically the site finds all of these off the wall properties and puts them up for bid like Ebay.

So I have been checking it out..mostly to dream of my "someday" vacations. I sent Mom and Becca a 4 bedroom villa in Italy and said we should go. I've been keeping my eye on Greece, etc. Just looking.

Well today, I happened to be on the site. And I find a KILLER deal to this amazing place in California. Not only does it inlude an Ocean-view room, but $50 per day at the spa, breakfast each morning, and valet-parking service. So I dreamed about a little get away with Nate.

And then I thought...why the hell not. So I bid on it with less than 10 minutes left in the auction. What's the worst that could happen right?

Let me tell you here that i have never purchased anythign on EBAY I bid and I am hitting refresh on my computer like there is no tomorrow. 10...9..8...7... "WHAT? I have been out bid." Crap. Quick 2 minute battle with myself over whether or not to bid again. I do. 5...4...3...2...4..

"Wait? 4? How did two minutes just get ADDED to the auction?"

And then I was pissed...sure this site was one big scam and there was some pot-smoking high-schooler in the back room at Luxury link whose sole purpose in life was to ruin peoples dreams of a killer, yet affordable vacation.

But outlook beeps at me and I see I have an email:

CONGRATULATIONS! You were the highest bidder!!

WHOO HOO!!! So now Nate and I are going to California in October to celebrate our anniversary.

Check out this sweet ass place: Terranea Resort. Pretty cool huh? It was a whirlwind and Nate doesnt even really know yet because he is travelling for work.

Now for those of you who may be interested in what Luxury Link has to offer, let me tell you I am their new #1 fan. After winning my bid, I submitted my top 3 date choices to their online concierge service. 6 hours later, I got an email confirming my #1 date choice. Done and Done.

Now all we need is airfare!!


Nate Hanson said...

Sahweet!! I am glad I didn't have to be the highest bidder to go on the trip with you. You are taking me right?

Anonymous said...

Nice score. Looks like some new fancy smancy new resort that opens late does look a little bit like one of them compound places where they brain wash you into their lifestyle...I did read about some new amish cults and gangs popping up on the west coast. I bet you might see a pimped out low rider buggy being pulled by a shetland pony and driven by the amish rapper Yo Yo Yoder.
Uncle Todd