Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Life After Death

It amazes me that after MONTHS of freezing cold weather, wind, snow, sleet and darkness that plants are able to burst through the frozen soil and look that weather in the face and say: "What? You thought I wouldn't make it?"

But here it is..sprouting up in our backyard. Giving me hope of spring and summer soon to follow.

And so with trepidation I celebrate winter being over. (I say with trepidation because we had snow in May last year).

And with inspiration from my little plant-friend in the backyard, I persevere. Life hands you think that you don't feel like you can handle all of the time. People doubt you. Things blow past you and try to knock you down. There are nights that I might feel lonely or sad. There are days I leave work and feel wilted.

But I persevere. Because life is too short to stay underground. I want to rise up and see the sun in everyday even if the sun isn't shining. THIS is how I choose to live my life.


Anonymous said...

AMEN To That Gert!! Have Nate get the work list ready!! We'll have the Big Ford with for hauling.

You may want to put prewarning signs out for the wildlife..:))


Meghan said...

Great post! It is so crazy how easy it is to forget that we do indeed have four seasons! I'll be complaining when the 80s come into the play, but for now I'm staying cool with 60s! Oh and per your other posting (the one where nate gave you an anthro card for your bday) - if i move to MN I want to be set up with any single fellah you guys may know! The apple can't fall far from the friend tree...

Greta Hanson said...

Hell yeah..move to MN. If I have to find you a guy in order to get you to move I will. You have the Greta guarantee...

Anonymous said...

Life as an adult can be tough. Being around negative people, Debbie or Dennis Downer's, can suck the life out of you. Here is an exerpt from our current book club book: "If you have faith in your real self, you'll suffer less. You won't waste valuable time that could be spent on more important things."
Good advice, just not always that easy. Other oldies but goodies are: If you can't say something nice-don't say anything at ALL, or people in glass houses shouldn't throw boulders!
You are both AWESOME and I love you both, Mom

Greta Hanson said...

Mom- The real self quote is one I wrote down too!

Becca said...

Great post Greta. I can certainly relate to many of the feelings you are having.....but for some reason not even spring is seeming to shake my frozen life tundra.

I need to get reading that book if you both are already noting quotes and stuff! I hope it leads us to having some good conversation.

No more family moving to MN! That would make it harder for me to try and convince Greta to move to CHICAGO! Ha!