Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Who out there fell for the "woe is me, I cut my finger" schtick?

C'mon...raise your hand. I know you're out there. FOR SURE I know I got Dad. Which let me tell you that after years of running into the living room and telling Dad there was a deer in the lawn and him always mysteriously knowing it was April fools..FEELS HELLA GREAT! Sorry Dad.

So you can be mad at me if you want to, but ask yourself if you are made because:

You fell for it.


You missed the two clues I left you to lead you to the truth behind the joke.

That's right.

Clue #1: Read the first letter in every sentence starting at the top and moving down. It clearly spells out April Fools.

Clue #2: Check-out the hand. Do you notice the hairy knuckles? This hand was lovingly yanked from a Google Image search for "Finger Cut."

So there you have it. APRIL FOOLS!!! Now all of you who were worried about my hand modeling career can sleep better tonight.


emily said...

all of the ekern girls i know are SO clever.

Anonymous said...

Got me hook line and sinker. Truly a good one! I just figured the hairy knuckle thing was from, well you do wear glasses don't you? :) Depending on Nates involvement, I may have to yank the WOW endorsements...
Uncle Todd

Anonymous said...

that's right Todd, Nate had heavy involvment in this...He is out of the club....


Becca said...

Oh Greta - You KNOW you got me! And you got Nick too! He was trying to put it off like it was lame....but then he did say how good of a prank it was.

You're a tricky one! :)

Nate Hanson said...

It was good, because it was believable! I swear, we've discussed her horrible knife skills and which hospital we should go to when it happens. I had to warn her last night, that Karma can be a b#@*h.