Saturday, October 3, 2009


I have never been one to be overly concerned with getting sick. I am a relatively healthy person. I have never opted-in to a flu shot, as I am quite certain without a doubt I will be the person that gets sick from the 'dead virus.'

And being the uber-planner I am, I just can never find a perfect time in my calendar to 'schedule-in' the flu. So I leave it to chance. And for the most part it has been great. I think I maybe had the flu a couple years ago but it was long enough that I can't remember the aching, fever, just-kill-me-now feeling.

Enter in Swine Flu. And literally a jug of Purell in EVERY conference room at General Mills accompanied by signs in every public space about washing your hands like we work in a local Denny's. And co-workers actually getting  Swine Flu.

All of the sudden I am highly conscious of germs. While I refuse the Purell, I start each morning with a children's chewable vitamin (thank you Costco) and a cocktail of Airborne, finished up with a fiber loaded, vitamin C packed apple from the orchard (thank-you Mom). But there is this nagging feeling that no matter what I do, the flu will strike me down this season.

I feel weak and exposed to the millions of non-Purelled hands lurking around every doorknob, grocery cart, elliptical handle, and handshake. I've considered fashioning a big plastic bubble to roll myself around in, but I figure that would definitely deter someone from wanting to work for me, be in my group for school or in general be my friend.

Flu be damned. I will not comprimise my dislike for shots just because of some fanatical concern over your severity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wash your hands early and often, if you can't, then use the hand juice. Be careful of said hand juice. Make sure it has evaporated before being in close proximity to sources of ignition including static sparks. It is 70% isopropyl alcohol and will support combustion. We now have Elmo teaching children to sneeze into the crotch of their arm, and yet, I still have not heard of any wash your arm crotch campaign.
Uncle Todd