Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mad Men

Nate and I are really enjoying watching Mad Men...but I find myself being more and more appalled by what went on in the 1960's (or at least what is represented in the show).

Thank god I am a women of the 21st century because I don't know if I would have survived being called "honey," "darling" or "sweetheart" in my place of work.

My all-time favorite is the fact that this 8 year old girl knows how to make the mom and dad's favorite drinks, and they just order them up like they gave birth to this girl to be their own personal bartendar.

Nevermind the incessant drinking and smoking around the kids, or with a child in utero. Nevermind the fact that if dinner isn't on the table when Mr. Dad of the century comes in the door there are words exchanged.

It blows my mind that just 50 years ago, times were so different. Part of me would like to go back to the simpler time of pineapple dessert abundance. But the other part of me (the call my sweethear at work and I'll karate chop your face off part) is thankful that our moms, grandmothers and other women before us paved the way for me to be an independant women, with a career, my own opinions, and the courage to stand-up for what I believe in.


Anonymous said...

What??? Everyday when I come home from a hard day at the mill, your mother is all spiffed up in a nice dress, a neat apron around her waist, with dinner waiting for me exactly at 5:30...After dinner she always spends an hour ironing my socks for the next day....She just doesn't do this when you kids are home, she said she didn't want to show off.....

Anonymous said...

Vicki even takes the time to put a ribbon or bow in her hair depending on what color it is that week. As for the alcohol mules (aka kids, it is the modern version of going Amish. Put em to work early and often. Of course proper delivery of Grain Belt to dad meant it had to be open (and tested...tested for quality only a child would know)
Uncle Todd

Becca said...

Ooh! I have seen this show at Blockbuster. Do you think Nick would like it? Since we are just bucking all of the male/female stereotypes at our house! ;) Shall add it to my Que.

That Kind of Girl said...

Oh but the clothes!

Let us at least give them credit for those amazing, amazing clothes.