The pressure and guilt for our lack of Nigella participation continues to grow. It isn't that the recipes don't look good because they do, but it just seems like they require too many weird ingrediants, or I'm never in the mood for anything in the book. Let's be honest for something that is supposed to be one new recipe a week, and us only being on Episode 19 put our failure in black and white right up in the subject line.
Well, with this week being how it was (i.e. steamrolled over me) I was a sucker for her "Presto!" section and Nate and I tried our hand at
Mexican Scramble.EPIC visual fail. I'd like to blame it on our ancient camera (new one comes Monday!) but I don't think it can all be attributed to the camera unfortunately.
Nate thought it was good. I thought it was gross. He ate mine. And I ate some Ritz Crackers and a fudgesicle.
Black fry pan vs white plate background hhmmm. Nigillas looks to be more "cheesy". Invest 39 cents into gerneric mac&cheese and dump in the powdered cheese and make macroni art while it cooks. It sort of looks like a Mustgo. Toss leftovers in a pan cuz they "mustgo" in there, heat and eat. With Premium - it's all good. Nate knows.
Uncle Todd
I think that looks good too, is it spicy?:)
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