Monday, January 18, 2010


I'm not going to try to sugar coat this blog post....I am freaking out a little bit right now.

First, Nate and I leave for Thailand in almost 1 week. This is not the throw in a swimsuit and call it a day in Mexico vacation. This is a  "go get a typhoid shot, call your ancient pediatrician for immunization record" kind of trip.

Second, work is a little crazy right now, mostly because of said trip. I keep all commentary regarding my wonderful, so-glad-to-be-employed job to a minimum, because without it I certainly would not be going to Thailand, but I am feeling a little compressed right now in terms of what I need to do and how much time i have to do it before I board a plane for 20 hours and land in a foreign country.

Third, school starts this week.  Oh yeah...that thing called Grad School. Yup it's back. The good thing? It's my last semester. The bad news? I still have one semester AND Nate is starting his first semester so the whole "help out around the house while I'm in class" goes away and I think what is left is "fend for yourself." Hopefully one of us remembers to feed Lucy.

Finally, what I feel most panicky about is the TWENTY hour plane ride. F. That is long time for someone who typically doesn't watch TV without a laptop, magazine, cell-phone or book in my hands. Nate is feeling very concerned about the likelihood that I will just open up the exit door and jump. I'm thinking maybe the flight attendants would be open to me strapping on my running shoes and running laps around the plane for a couple hours if I talk really nice to them.

All I know if you hear about a free-basing skydiver over the Pacific Ocean next week, chances are it is me....


Anonymous said...

Running might freak people out, perhaps you could perambulate instead. If you are going to jump take a lesson from D.B. Cooper and have the plane slow to just above stall speed and going out the back is better than off the wing as the tail section might wack you as you fly by. Know the flight path so you can land on land and just in case you miss, take your seat cushion with you for floatation. Nate you might want to slip her some anti-running sleepy pills in a pre-flight drink...
Uncle Todd

Anonymous said...

Old dad would not make a 20 hour flight...I have a hard time making the 10 minute flight to Liberty....
I'm sure you will figure a way to pass the time, Todd's sleepy pill idea is a good one...


Scorpicon said...

I'm not sure free-basing is the term you're looking for... unless you're into smoking crack.

BASE jumping though, that's more for crazy sky-divers. And even then it's from fixed locations.

I'm sorry I'm so pedantic. I hope you have a good flight that doesn't involve leaping to your death. I think everyone agrees: taking a night-night pill might very well be the best option. But I guess free-basing crack would occupy your time too. ;-)

Nate Hanson said...

I am not sure I would survive if Greta started free-basing on the plane... so Greta I implore you, just stick to the standard issue bouncy, ansy, behaviour I am used to seeing when you're forced to sit still for longer than 3 hours.

Kara Frank said...

If you have any Thailand questions - feel free to call or email ( Have an amazing time!

Anonymous said...

I have a couple of questions for Kara Frank on Thailand.
Can you water ski or scuba dive in the rice paddies?
Uncle Todd

Anonymous said...

head phones, blanket under which you hide, read...but SLEEPING is the best...but that didn't hold me for my flight of just EIGHT hours...good luck..and yes, walk the aisles or your legs SWELL...not look swell...but, "why did I eat all that salt and drink all that water swell!!!have a great careful too!!! TOF