Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Restless Leg Syndrome

I have SO much pent-up energy. My legs are twitching with the need to MOVE.

And swimming is just not cutting it. Perhaps it is because I am really not an athletic swimmer. I mean who else do you know that comes home after 30 minutes of swimming with a strange, but crippling cramp in her right ring finger...twice??

I just want to feel sore in my legs. I want to have hair so wet it is like I just got out of the shower, but in reality it is from getting my ass kicked at The Firm. I want to run around the lakes.

A girl can only do so many push-ups and sit-ups. Tonight, I was so desparate I just started doing arm circles for like 15 minutes. Maybe I could just start walking everywhere on my hands?


Anonymous said...

Got the perfect solution for you Gert: Seems like we got a real good crop of rocks on the farm this year...good day of picking rock will take most of the restless out of you...:)))))


emily said...

or, get your ass workin' on those mad hula skillz.

Anonymous said...

yeah...try that hula hoop thing...I think I'm on that...can stand in one place and look at the same old boring scenery but it beats running...I think I still remember how to hula-hoop...I remember when it all started many moons ago,you know...I had a red/white one which when twirled became pink, of course...soooooooooo cool in the 50/60s....but then maybe I should dig out my old skateboard with e "metal" that was something!!!!! TOF