Thursday, June 11, 2009

Deal or No Deal: Waste Edition

This is a bit like ripping off a just gotta do it quick.

I am doubting the greatness of Costco.

There I said it. And I am sure I will want to take it back soon.

But lately, Nate and I have been throwing out more than we have consumed. Perhaps it is because we have both been gone a lot, not cooking a whole lot, and did two trips pretty close together.

BUT regardless of what we could have done differently, let me tell you about the biggest Costco disappointment to date.

The mini-carrots.

We have purchased 4 bags. The first bag was good. The second bag had a weird slime coating all of the carrots. We chalked it up to a bad batch. 3rd and 4th bag were similar. And now we have learned our lesson. No carrots from Costco.

Beans, Berries, Lettuce, Cucumbers...all have spoiled before we can finish them up. Pears that haven't ripened, Plums that aren't goes on.

Don't get me wrong, I take about 70% of the blame for this spoilage, but I guess I am tired of the guilt of throwing stuff away. Anyone have any Costco strategies they can share? Or perhaps a "it's ok to throw away because it was so cheap" support group?


Anonymous said...

Bigger is not always better. What is the price of guilt? You can buy big and cheap and waste product or pay a bit more for the convenience of smaller packaging. Does the overall cost of the waste cost more than the convenient packaging? Go green and create a compost pile. (ganolas feel better when hugging a tree). Drop a buck 10 on a new water bottle for your sniper husband...bunnies are free and tasty.
Uncle Todd

Debra Fiterman said...

I have a suggestion...go shopping with other single/couples only families like myself! Kara and I go together sometimes and split things. The tricky part is finding your perfect Costco match. Maybe there is a market for a new online dating service:

Anonymous said...

Debra has a great idea. You could start the costco garanimals food matching cards. Walk about the parking lot holding up your card until the proper shopping mate matches you. To make it more fun you could make the animal sound just so those who are vision impaired can participate too.
Uncle Todd