Monday, May 11, 2009

Nigella Express: Episode 11

We thought we would spice up pizza night with a little appetizer.

The appetizer of choice: Mozzarella with Crazy Gremolata.
Don't ask me what gremolata is because I still don't know. What I do know is that it includes a bunch of chopped up olives, parsley, garlic, oil, lemon zest and pepper of some sort.

We couldn't find a long red chile so we substitute a poblano, so clearly ours is not nearly as pretty.

This was just OKAY. Maybe the red chile really does make all the difference but it wasn't my favorite thing we have ever made. I prefer regular old caprese with some tomatoes and basil.
But gremolata is fun to say so bonus for that.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Oh I don't know...I still think yours looks pretty tasty. Hmmm think I'm hungry. Maybe I should eat lunch. WOO! Just a few more days until I see you!!!