And Boston is the setting of our country's history. It was a good reminder of all those things I learned in US History (or didnt' learn...thanks Mr. Williams). And we tried to photo-capture the whole Freedom Trail which took us on what we thought was a 7-mile walk (turned out only to be 2.5 miles)...
It all started at the State House...and progressed to Old South Meeting house where apparently the sign was given to start the Boston Tea Party. Here is Katie making what she thinks the sign would have been...
That is me pointing out the mosaic that marks the first ever public school, and standing in the doorway of the site of the Boston Massacre, which was also our orientation point for the entire trip.
So on our Freedom Trail trek, we ran into these two:
Once we lost the twins we finished out the Freedom trail by climbing all 294 steps of the Bunker Hill monument (the site where our army first held their own against the Brits). As you can tell from the glisten on our faces, it was quite warm.
We visited the Cheers bar, which made me think of my dad. Not because it is a bar, but because I always remember him watching Cheers (that was back when he stayed up past 7PM...JUST KIDDING DAD)
AND, there was JP Licks..the most amazing ice cream. ever. In fact, I couldn't make up my mind, so I bought 2 'kiddie' sizes so as to maximize the amazing flavors. I got Coffee Oreo, and a Peanut Butter Cookie Dought (which was supreme). Katie got Banana Oreo which was also ridiculous.