Emily has posted another great game of blog tag: Crazy 8's.
And so I present to you my list of 8's.
Things I'm looking forward to:The rodeo with friends tonight.
An epiphany on which car to buy.
Seeing Finn, Becca and Nick after over two long months apart,
and giving Finn loads of hugs and kisses (and one annoying toy).
Getting the full greenlight from my doctor to hit the pavement again,
and walking through the doors of the FIRM.
Our anniversary trip to California, and
numerous more years of a blissful marriage.
Things I did yesterday:Went for my sanctioned 2.5 mile walk.
Swore at work.
Tested my willpower at happy hour, and passed.
Looked through old pictures.
Made Grilled Tomato Linguine with Nate.
Pulled our first vegetables out of the garden.
Cleaned up a(nother) water spill at 10PM from our water heater.
Turned it in bright and early to rest up for Nate's Triathlon (more later).
Things I wish I could do:
Travel the world and still have a job and home to come back to.
Invent a form of travel that gets me to Chicago or Viroqua in less than 10 minutes.
Stop worrying over things that won't change.
Put time in slow motion during those moments when you think: this is what it is all about.
Have one more day with my grandparents.
Feel carefree.
Have a redo of one year of college.
Make homemade meringues the way my Mom does.
Things I will never do:Smoke.
Drink goat's blood.
Quit loving my family or friends.
Get a pet spider, or snake.
Get a tattoo.
Buy Kelloggs :) ....(Rachel and Amy.....)
Stop worrying. I'm pretty sure I'm just hardwired this way.
Stop believing in myself.
Now, YOU are it! Leave your 8s in my comment section OR let me know there that you are going to post them on your blog!