Friday, February 22, 2013

My Week in (SomeEcard) Review

Sunday Night:
The sinking realization that not only are we having a second child, but we really have no idea what we are even doing with our first...

Monday and Tuesday: Sleepless nights ensue as Matilda comes down with double ear infection, double pink eye without our awareness for a solid 48 hours...

Wednesday: Book club gets together with all of the newborns that have been born in past 2 months---FOUR BABIES in one room under 3 months.  That doesn't even count our 3 kids under 2, one in utero or the 'one big kid'--call him the Outlier...
We really could have our own show.

Thursday:  Had a moment at work that left me feeling like this...

But knowing deep down that some people DID notice. Which led me to think about this...

Aaarrrrgggg Matey. I would look mighty fine with a peg leg. And Matilda would love it if I carried a parrot around all day.

Can somebody please look into making this happen for me????


Anonymous said...

To start with you will need the correct socks. You know the aaarrrggyyllle ones...
Uncle Todd

Anonymous said...

You still crack me up Todd! You 2 know what you are doing, soon you will be having double the fun. Love, Mom