Friday, April 9, 2010

Listmania: The Things That Suffered

We have officially made it through our one over-lapping semester of grad-school! (Arms in air, fist pumping action). Nate took his finals this week, and they went great. I have to schlep through 4 more weeks of school but then get to officially retire my backpak.

Nate and I went to dinner last night to celebrate and were commenting on the 'things that suffered' while we were both in school two nights a week, training for our upcoming races, working full time, you get the picture.

1) Not surprisingly, housework took a major hit. Who wants to scrub baseboards, and clean toilets after staring at a text book all day? Not me. Not Nate. And so the dust bunnies took over. I looked up last night and saw we had a ceiling dust bunny in our bedroom. I am pretty sure it is fairly difficult to form on the ceiling, so mad props to us for helping make that happen.

2) Cooking.....didn't happen as much. Exhibit A: Our weekly "try a new recipe out of our cookbook of the year" is failing miserably with It hink only 8 or 9 recipes tried. I am pretty sure April 12th = 15 we are at 50%. My grad school education would tell me this is failing. Exhibit B: The popcorn maker has been used more in the last 6 months as it relates to a dinner item that it has in its entire life.

3) Remember when Nate and I got all excited an asked you, our loyal readers, to tell us what adventures to on next? (Read here). Well we have done approximately ZERO of these wonderful suggestions, and literally it hangs over my head like a guilty, gloomy cloud when I think of it. BUT, come May 1st, we are ALL over it. So watch out people.

4) Secret Date Night just hasn't happened. Oh we schedule them. We send each other cute little meeting notices. And then we reschedule, adn update those meeting notices, and ultimately cancel those meeting notices. But both have one on the calendar in April and for sure one of them can't be cancelled (or so Nate tells me)....The reality is we have prioritized time with friends and family when we have a spare night so the couple time has been...well...cancelled.

5) Sleep. Apparently Nate is a robot and requires about oh...5 hours of sleep and he can function as a nice, respectful human being. I cannot. Since I am not getting my required allotment to put my battery at a full charge, this means lots of napping on the weekend, lame Friday nights where I am sleeping by 9, and Diva Doug-less Saturday mornings as the thought of dragging my ass out of bed to work-out on a Saturday just wasn't quite motivating enough the last few months to spur me to action.

But with 4 weeks left with me in school, and Nate done, we will be back in action soon (and still taking recommendations for our next adventures...hint hint)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is about choices. This weekend I chose to "live" in the crawl space moving plumbing for a future shower and moved the water softener location. During this I found some joists that are crushing on the load bearing ends...there is some house jacking and building of mini support walls in my future...left over good times from the flood.
Uncle Todd