Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nigella Express: Episode 18

I have been having a guilty conscience about Nigella. It isn't that Nate and I haven't been cooking lately. If anything we have been cooking more. But the fact of the matter is: we have been cheating on Nigella.

She just doesn't have a ton of inspiring summer recipes in the book we are cooking from, and gosh darn it I want to use my fresh veggies, corn on the cob and grill while the weather is still remotely nice.

The guilt became too much this weekend and we whipped up a batch of Banana Butterscotch Muffins.

They were good, but not great. Our oven is crap so it is impossible to bake anything right. I think that is next on our list: Renovate kitchen. It's time...Nate swears out loud every time we get cooking that we need more space. Just think of the food we can crank out with a brand new swanky kitchen.


Anonymous said...

Uncle Todd has vast experiences in adding on/tearing off/redoing, etc..He should be your general contractor, I'm sure he will work for Premium...


Anonymous said...

Premium good... Vicki has developed quite the list of skills as well. In the mean time, fire up the grill! Create your own grilling cook book of fun featuring Premium.
Uncle Todd