And no I did not pay her off to float me the letter f. I am just that lucky.
Here are the rules…If you want to play, leave a comment on this post letting me know, and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on!
First, I love Finnegan. Clearly this does not need a drawn out explanation. He brightens my day every time I think of him. He is the sweetest little boy you can imagine. I miss him so much every day and yearn to be closer to experience daily life with him.

I would be no where with out my Family. I have been blessed to have an amazing family. As I get older, I think the importance of having family weighs much heavier on your mind.
Not only do I love my own family, but I ADORE meeting other people's families. I especially like seeing how they interact. Whenever you are around someone witht heir family, I just think you feel this sense of history and a bond that cannot be broken no matter what. It's like you are witnessing the ties of unspoken moments, light-hearted memories and a love so deep it can't be put into words. Whether it's watching Debra and her Mom poke fun at each other, and laugh non-stop, or the ease that Summer and her sister Jaime have with each other, I find myself feeling grateful that I they are letting me in, even the vey tiniest amount, to that special relationship.

Which of course brings me to my Friends, who are like a 2nd family to me. I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for. I have 'random' friends...that is they aren't all from one big high school clique, or a group of college friends. There are a lot of separate individuals who when combined make up a VERY important part of my life.
I really just get really gushy when chatting about my friends because I love them all so much. So I will spare you that, and just share some pictures...

Of course, I love Felines, especially of the elderly variety.

Ihave to admite, I do love Facebook. Yes, it can suck the spare time out of any day, and is misunderstood by those who haven't taken the leap themselves. But I love that I can reach out and connect with someone who lives 600 miles away, or someone that I haven't talked to in years. I love looking at pictures, seeing people's hilarious status updates, and kicking Becca's butt at Scramble.
Films...while I hate the word film (it sounds so pretentious)...I do like myself a good movie on a Friday night after a long week, or a rainy Sunday afternoon. With Facebook, any Film watching usually also involves my laptop...
I look forward to getting my weekly FSI's. For those of you who aren't General Mills dorks, that is a fancy way of saying coupons in your Sunday paper. I am a loud and proud coupon clipper. Thats right...
A new love intest in my life is The Firm. It is a no holds bar, completely kick your ASS, sweat out 2 pounds in 1 hour gym, that has the most amazing staff, classes and atmosphere. Beyond the enjoyment of just getting my ass handed to me everytime I go, the people there are amazingly sweet and genuine. I look forward to working out when I know I am going there.
And last but not least..I am always up for some Friendly Comepetition. One of my favorite thigns to do is play games. At the end of the day I don't really care if I win, but I just like the competition aspect of it because I think it makes it more fun.
Oh yea..I guess that is only 9..hmm...I love Fridays. Nothing makes it more apparent that I love Fridays like a Monday morning. Ugh....
Now, let me know if you want a letter and you can play along too!