1) http://www.subservientchicken.com/
You won't believe it until you try it. You just type in a command and this guy in a chicken costume does whatever you tell it to. I am serious...I had it do the splits, cartwheel, act like a monkey, moonwalk, polka, and more. It can do it all.
2) http://www.jacksonpollock.org/
This is a great website for when you need to take a few deep breaths (perhaps at work when you are trying to cool off before you decide to tell someone where to put it). Just click on the link, click into the blank space and move your mouse cursor...Voila! Beautiful Art created by you.
3) http://www.picbite.com/
Have some pictures that aren't quite frame worthy, but are pretty good (i.e. funny looking?) Go to this website to add captions to the picture. Click on the picture below for an example.

Happy Procrastination!
Where do you find this stuff??? I am now an artist...go figure
I believe you owe your hubby an apology for frittering away time playing WOW. I wonder what Freud would say about your google searches...:)
Uncle Todd
No google searches here...just linked in to the cool kids club apparently. Or....read lots of magazines/write stuff down when people talk about it.
PS...to all the readers out there that may have tried the chicken link and it didn't work...i have fixed it so try again!
I have to admit the chicken thing is out there...and entertaining. I still think your better half should get to play WOW again.
Uncle Todd
hey gert...you know how much i "love" chicken...now i can get it anyway i want...such revenge...tof
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