Last night we tried our hand at: Creamy Fettucine with Asparagus. Now this dish had serious potentital from the start because it has goat cheese in it (one of my new favorite ingrediants). I had extremely high hopes.
Maybe it was because we completely overcooked the asparagus. Or maybe it was because we used dry dill instead of fresh dill. Or maybe the recipe just sucks. I am going to guess that it isn't the latter since every other thing in this cookbook in incredible, but I had to make Nate and I feel better somehow.
Here was our valiant effort:
Theirs Ours

You can't win em' all I guess right?!
Looks pretty good to me...Send me the leftovers!!
Us Ekern Girls think alike. My first thought before viewing the comments was: "You can't be cool all the time!" I guess this can apply to cooking as well as roller skating! Love, Mom
Whoa Nanc, that sounds like crazy talk. From what I have heard you were the coolest dang roller skater in the Tri-State Area. Reid, can you verify?
That's right Nate, Nancy was IT on the skating floor...that's why I married her...:))
You can recover from this by making mustgo. What is mustgo? Start with some Grain Belt (or cocktail of choice) take a real good sturdy tug on it. Go the fridge and look for other ingrediants to add to make the "failure" better. Keep drinking and adding items because they mustgo in there to make it better. Hence the name mustgo. A couple of things are going to happen. Sooner or later thru all the tasting your hunger will be satiated, or you will have consumed enough you really don't care and decide it really is pretty good.
Good luck and Bon apetite.
Uncle Todd
Love the advice Uncle Todd! I'm sure Nate is definitely ready to give your way a fact I believe he already has the beer lined up in the fridge.
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