Minneapolis Mosaic is a festival that goes on each year that helps celebrate the "diversity of the city." (Dad--quit rolling your eyes). It wsa pretty cool. They had some streets blocked off and had a bunch of music and great ethnic food for sale. Nate and I had some pork tamales, steak tacos, and some fairly good chinese food.
They had a mural up that anyone could paint on, that will be placed somewhere within the city after the festival is over.
The other really cool thing was that they had 3 theatres open and every 15 minutes a new act or performance would come on stage. We saw a ballet, a high school dance troupe, and a really random film.
Then I saw someone with cotton candy and I was determined to find out where it came from. So I coaxed Nate into walking over to the blues fest to see if there was cotton candy there. The music was good. To be honest we didn't stay long since we had to get biking before it got dark, but it was a good scene. And....I got my cotton candy.
Oh...and for those of you who think you can't teach an old cat new tricks....Lucy (our ancient cat) has decided that an entire room in our house dedicated to her is just not quite enough space and has taken a liking to our coat closet. And she will sit and cry by the door if it isn't open. I realize that this isn't 'technically' a trick, but seriously...where does this cat come up with this stuff?
wish I could have been there to do some painting....I'm strictly an abstract guy...
Your dad's comment made me LOL at work, yes he definately would be great at the painting! You 2 sure are finding lots of fun things to do in the city.
Love, Mom
your dad's comments always make me LOL... here, and on becca's site, too. if i haven't said it already, i LOVE reading your blog. becca's,too... if she'd ever write.
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