No that isn't a misprint...this Thursday Nate and I...and the entire GCOM function partied at the Fine Line like it was 1989.
Now let me say that General Mills has been known to throw a good parties in its day, but I am pretty sure this one takes the cake.
The night included an open bar, food and an 80's rock band lip synching competition. I was totally skeptical of this contest, but then I found out they hired professional choreographers for each group, acting lessons and more, and let's just say it was worth it!
And fear not...General Mills humor was abound...making it a scene that NBC should have been there to film for ideas for The Office.
Here was one of the singers during the "Pet Shop Boys" routing....yes...that really does say Betty Rocker. The picture next to it was the entire band...check out the lead singers costume. It pretty much doesn't get any more exact than that. We take our competitions seriously at the General.

The night included an open bar, food and an 80's rock band lip synching competition. I was totally skeptical of this contest, but then I found out they hired professional choreographers for each group, acting lessons and more, and let's just say it was worth it!
And fear not...General Mills humor was abound...making it a scene that NBC should have been there to film for ideas for The Office.
Here was one of the singers during the "Pet Shop Boys" routing....yes...that really does say Betty Rocker. The picture next to it was the entire band...check out the lead singers costume. It pretty much doesn't get any more exact than that. We take our competitions seriously at the General.
Next up was Madonna's Material Girl...unfortunate face captured on film here, but had to share anyhow.
And then there was our Chief Marketing on the executive board of GMI..dressed as George Michael. Awesome.
I really have never had more fun at a work party. Probably a little too much fun considering I had to work the next morning. I must say the bangs I am currently sporting translated nicely to an 80's hairstyle. I just kept thinking of my sister, and how growing up she would spend hours on her bangs and I would run around saying cock a doodle doo! teasing her that she had rooster bangs. Looking back...that really doesn't even make sense, but I thought I was SOOOO funny.
Katie and I both sported some serious legging action.
Ahh memories. I only hope that the girl that decided to go on stage for her lip synching contest literally sporting only her underwear and fishnet nylons didn't ruin this party for years to come.
I was talking to our HR person and said girl above comes up and says "I'm not getting fired am I?". Hmmm...probably should have thought that one through before getting practically naked in front of all of your co-workers.
At least the open bar will help erase that from some of our memories...
i KNOW you had a scrunchie in your hair... right??
oh yeah...gotta love the scrunchie.
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