I ran the 10 miler and Nate kicked butt in the 30K (about 20 miles). He is well on his way to a very successful marathon on June 21st...also known as our 10 year anniversary of dating. Awwww......
So I finished about an hour and a half before Nate did and got to see all sorts of people running to the finish line. And you know the finish line is what it is all about for me. Some people love the feeling when you are lined up on the start line with all the anticipation and just waiting to hear the gunshot. For me, that is the worst. I think I might just put to much pressure on myself.
But the finish line that is where it is at. I was watching the contenders of the 30K come in and the 3rd place girl raced in and than ran back my way on the course and stopped a little ahead of me. Then I hear her screaming come on MOM! And here comes her Mom and the girl starts running with her and is like "YOU CAN DO IT, only 2 more blocks left" and the whole family was there cheering them on. I get a little choked up thinking about it.
And I think the people that come in last get MORE encouragement than the people who win the race. For the 10 mile race, these 2 older women (I would say upper 60's) came in quite a bit after everyone else, and all of the spectators were just screaming for them.

Anyway, it was a great way to start our Saturday, and I had to laugh because the announcer kept saying a couple/family that sweats together stays together. So how about it family...who is up for a race with the whole family?!?!
I don't even like driving that far....:)))
You guys are awesome!
Keep trucking Nate. I know you are closing in on the big one. I am proud of you both.
Love you guys.
I will run to the fridge for hops.
Uncle Todd
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