This weekend,we participated in Urban Dare, a one-day Amazing Race-ish event that has you running through the city looking for crazy statues, art, and places of interest. Nate and I had SUCH a great time. It was something we had never done before and we are always looking for new crazy things to do so this totally fit our bill.
So the day started out with Summer, Katie and I (and the boys of course) met at the starting line at Loon Cafe. They got all of the teams together and we had to answer trivia questions to determine start times. After we missed the first question, Nate and I got the second one right and were off!

We got a list of 12 riddles and clues that we had to decipher. At this point, let me say THANK GOD for our Internet Specialists who helped us figure out these clues! We seriously couldn't have had as much fun or did as well with out you!
Our first clue was to find this wall of music, so off we ran! At each place you had to get a picture of both you and your team member to document that you were both there. Surprisingly, we actually got some decent pictures.

Then it was off to Loring Park where we did our Bolo dare (Nate totally scored on this one) and then to the Walker Sculpture Garden. We got to the sculpture below and no one was around except this like 6 year old girl and I asked her to take our picture...not sure if she even knew how to operate a camera, but lucky for us our picture turned out!

We also took the opportunity to nab a family passing by to get our 5:00 bonus for building a 6-person pyramid. The Dad was complaining of bad knees and the middle school girl was suffering from a bad attitude, but all together we got the dare done...BONUS!!

We took off running for First Avenue where we figured out the "stars" were. Our star was 10,000 Maniacs and it took us for what seemed like ages to find it. We even had roadies from the tour bus that was unloading trying to help us, but it still took quite a bit of time.

One of the most challenging clues to find was the George Washington flagpole, but our I-Team came through in a clinch and we ran there as fast as possible. The rest of the stops kind of fell into place. We really lucked out with a great route...not a ton of backtracking.

Our final clue was the only one we didnt' know for sure, but by the grace of god we ran to the Metrodome and saw the "Foul Pole" flag immediately. The "Bubble Dare" was here, which consisted of shoving your face in a plate of whipped cream to find a peice of bubble you can't guess who rose her hand to do this one!

Here is how our clue sheet looked by the end of the race!!! It was SO much fun, we had perfect weather, and are excited to do it again. Check out to see if it is coming to your city.

There is another company called Great Urban Race that does something similar. Nate and I are already signed up for the Twin Cities race in Sepetember!! Who wants to join us?
P.S. I know none of you will believe this, but for the record I have to state that of the 2 of us it was Nate who blew a gasket and got pretty 'bitchy'...not me. Just for the record....crumbled under pressure like a graham cracker. I don't want to rub it in tooooo much so I'll leave it at that. ;)