Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Disco Bath

Since daily life can take on a little monotony  despite our best efforts, I have been seeking, searching and dreaming up small ways to change up the daily routine to bring some new smiles and wonderment.

Enter: Disco Bath Time.

I had read a fellow mom-blog who gave the idea of glow-in-the-dark bubbles.
Well, I couldn't find those--or should I say never randomly came across them.

But i DID find a bunch of glow sticks in the $1.00 spot at Target.

$1.00 later....viola!

A bathtime that was a little different.
A little more fun.
And a lot more glow-y.

Matilda got a kick out of it. I'm guessing the glow sticks will make another appearance some time soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you are done with bath time, tie the glow sticks to a helium balloon and let it loose at night. Then tell people outside it looks like a UFO. Sit back and watch the entertainment. Oh maybe get a police scanner too.
Uncle Todd