Monday, August 8, 2011

Magazine Cuisine: Episode 15

This is not a fake out. We actually tried a new recipe this weekend. Which also means we actually cooked and are not thriving solely off of food others have made for us. HUGE win.

Of course, the only reason we were actually able to pull this off is the extra hands we had around (see previous Super Grandma post), but let a victory be a victory. We cooked. Something new.

And the lucky dish was: Green Bean and Potato Salad. It is from a quarterly magazine called Cuisine At Home. Lots of yummy recipes!

As an added bonus, this was the first of the green beans from our garden (yes, we have a garden and yes it is severely neglected), and we used up the potatoes from our crop share in way beyond just putting them in foil and grilling them along with the protein of the day.

It was a good dish. Mom and Nate tried to sneak some onions in, and were successful in the getting them in, not the sneaking part....

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