No trip is complete without weird products discovered, hilarious signs spotted and inside jokes formed.
So here we go...
Nate and I thought it would be fun to check out a Irish dollar store when we saw one in Galway...of course it wasn't a dollar was a 2 Euro store...which really ended up being like $3.60.
So for $3.60 you could getLunch in a Bag "Lunch in a Bag"

And of course there were all sorts of crazy signs...
In Dublin, clearly the biggest issue they have is people who litter because these signs were EVERYWHERE:
For those of you with some sight issues it says: If you behave like a piece of filth thats the world sees you. Of course brought to you by the Litter Council or something like that.
And there was this:
CONSTANT USE people...(notice the empty parking space).
And how about this for city pride
Yup...Galway is not for sure the best city in Ireland...but just probably.
And good news for all of you out there who have sick stuffed animals...
Now in Nate and Greta hilarity..there was our car...
Sure it may not look that funny, but add our luggage, our maps, ourselves and 8 full size kilts...and then it started to feel pretty funny...a.k.a. clown car.
When we visited Bunratty castle, Nate thought it would be HILARIOUS to fake out this donkey. Nate held out his hand like he had food, and the donkey moseys over to check it out. Of course, the donkey isn't dumb and realized Nate has no food. So he does want any donkey would do...turn around, and proceed to rub its ass back and forth on the wall right in front of Nate. Personally, I don't blame it.
And last but not favorite find of the whole trip came in Galway. It was meringue as big as my head with fresh raspberries. Seriously delicious, and I am pretty sure I didn't stop smiling while it was in my hand.
I think the donkey was doing an editorial on Nates man purse...
Uncle Todd
This would be my favorite stuff. GREAT collection of hilairity. Love the pringles, the billboard, and that merenque!Look OUT! It's like the size of your HEAD :-)
Good times.....
The Man purse or Murse was an essential tool on our journeys. It think the wedding pics are the only ones where I am not wearing it. Don't worry, it's a European thing. I don't plan on wearing the Murse to work or a Twins game anytime soon.
I don't see anything wrong with the car. A small car is much better if you want to park it in the city without problems, and it is for sure more ecological (as usually spend less petrol, don't forget global warming). Anyway, for everyday life, cycling is the best option in my opinion.
I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with a small just looked hilarious with all of the stuff in it. And yes, biking is best. My husband bikes to work everyday...even when it is below zero in the winter.
Well, you are right, I don't know how it looked with everything inside. Anyway, it's very good he loves biking; as me, he thinks it really pays ;) When it's below zero the most important thing is a good pair of gloves. The exercise warms up the rest of the body!
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