This involved solving riddles based on childhood memories of Rebecca, and racing to those places to complete the challenge.
Becca chronicles the race from her perspective nicely on her blog! Check it out!
I would be totally remissed not to post some pics of Mom and Dad's challenges though. According to Nate (their official judge) they were quite competitive and hustled to enusre their 1st place victory. That should pretty much clear up any of the questions on where I get my competitiveness from.
So, here is Mom and Dad at the Viking for the "Shot to the Heart" Dare. Apparently Mom took her shot so fast, Nate couldn't even snap a picture in time. GO MOM!
They solved the clue that took them to where Becca and Nick got married and posed with their best wedding picture pose. Apparently that is Dad begging Mom to marry him.... :) Not to be outdone, Nick strong-manned Becca in their pose!
And the final challenge: Balancing the checkbook....never fun for Becca or my Dad growing up. Luckily for her, they created Debit cards. Right Bec? My favorite part of this picture is Finn in the background...just boppin around..wondering when the adults would start paying attention to him again!
I never noticed Finn in that picture until now! Hilarious!
The child is obviously neglected. He should be placed in Grandma and Grandpa's care immediately and permanently..:))
I said this on your sisters blog but you really need to write the book for fun.
Uncle Todd
It sure was fun! I agree with Dad that Finn should stay in Vernon Co. I mentioned keeping him til the 20th but it didn't even receive any consideration. Thanks again for making the weekend so FUN! Thanks to Nathan for frying the homemade pancakes - Yummo
We have not practiced bean bags yet to get an edge for vacation.
Love, Mom
you're such a stellar sister, greta! is that your parents' kitchen? have they remodeled??
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