About a month ago I posted this picture and put the call out to see what the heck they were. Let me refresh your memory:
Rewind about a week and half. I started discovering these 'remnants' attached to my tomato platns, flowers, etc...
And enter in this morning when we caught our first glimpse of this:
Now, I am not trying to blame you, my loyal blog readers, for the attack of the Hanson household. But if only someone could have told us how to kill them while they are young (yes I know how that sounds) perhaps we wouldnt' have to duck and cover every time we leave the house for the next month...Although to my Dad's credit I do think I remember him telling me to nuke them..or something along those lines.
I shuddder at the thought of all of them getting big...take a look at the bottom photo..BIG cicada, and scroll back up to the top to remind yourself how many there were...multiply that top picture by like 10...yup.
We have been infiltrated.
Told you to call in a napalm strike...Think you have two species of bugs going there Gert...I think Uncle Todd hit it right with the Japanese Beetles for the first photo...I think the cicada are a new bunch of friends. I bet they hatched out of Nates lip when he wasn't looking.
see ya Friday!
LOL! Come on you two culinary wizards of the city, you are really missing an opportunity for good eats. visit recipe.cicadayear.com. not only will you learn of the varieties of cicadas, some are yearly, some are every 17 years, and they are loud when in the cicada herd, or clutch, maybe swarm - whatever you call a large group of cicadas. On that site you will find some great recipes. Can't wait to see the photos, yes that is a challenge. Nate fire up the grill!
Uncle Todd
This wouldn't be my first venture into eating insects, so I am up for the challenge. I am not sure how much we'd have to pay Greta to put one (1) bug in her mouth. I bet it is in the millions of dollars though.
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