The best part about the trip was going to David Burke's new place in the Venetian for dinner. My good friend LIndsay is dating the executive chef there and he came out to meet us and kept sending RIDICULOUS food our way. We had this amazing rock seared Kobe beef and shrimp, and he sent a stone crab on a bed of nails, and the ultimate was the dessert he sent for us. IT was a cheesecake lollipop tree with bubblegum whipped cream. And I am not kidding you the whipped cream tasted like every kids dream.

The race was fun, although quite windy and cold. I managed to get sunburn on my face though! We only got to stay for 20 laps of the race which seemed pretty ridiculous but I got to do my favorite parts which is watch the driver introductions (see Tony Stewart below) and listen to the national anthem with the flyover.

How absolutely cool. Hope you are starting to feel better. So miserable to travel when you don't feel well. Take care. Renee
I hope you are feeling better to but that is bull S''' 20 laps with a hot pass. Take care. Arthur
Art! I know it is total bull! I was thinking of you the whole time and how mad you would be if you knew what was going on. Hope you guys are doing well...
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