This weekend was our "Iron Chef America Birthday Bash" where our secret ingrediant was CHEESE. Yummmm.
It was so impressive to see what everyone brought, and lets just say we were not in a lack of food situation.
Here you will see our initial spread of food. Note: There was so much food it wouldn't all fit on our table.
At the center of this picture you will find the Bleu Cheese Spirals who was the winner of the "Best Presentation Award". Thank you Rachel Rosen...her souffle was also amazing.
Also, check out the delicious mini-cupcake lollipops that could only be made by one Summer Chevalier. These took home the "Best Sweet Prize"
What you can't see on the table are the Marscipone Cream Puffs that were handmade by one Katie Wong and took home "Most Creative Use of the Secret Ingrediant." I mean seriously, who thinks of Marscipone for a cheese challenge? Way to go Katie!
Best Savory Dish was a homemade Mac N Cheese that was to die for (literally...probably could have a heart attack if you ate to much of it).
And finally, the Birthday Girl's Favorite award went to this delicious orange cranberry cream cheese cheese ball that tasted like a dreamsicle...or what I like to call "heaven in your mouth".
There were some creative entries like Easy Cheese in a can with crackers, entries that were nostalgic (i.e. Mac N Cheese Ian's Pizza) and entries that just weren't very good (i.e. our black bottom cupcakes.....). The sad thing is we didn't taste them before putting them out so we didn't realize they were horrible until the next morning! CRAP! Not sure what happened there, but sorry to all the people who had to fake their deliciousness.
It was a great time, and Nate and I are already planning the next one so stay tuned and keep those creative cooking skills practiced up!

Me with the "Most Creative Winner"

Debra and Nate taste testing
Stay Tuned tomorrow for the big surprise...............