Wednesday, December 21, 2011

She's Crafty....

From the day I learned I was pregnant, I had visions of all of these little arts and crafts projects with the babe. I have all of these fun ideas floating around in my head, and the internet spews more crafty inspiration than I know what to do with.

I was very sad to realize that while I was so excited to do these fun things, essentially your child is not really 'up for the fun' as they are lumps of flesh that poop, cry, attempt to sleep, and occasionally smile--although it is usually gas.

BUT NOW....6 months later....crafty fun is definitely in view. And we did our first official one this weekend with Paddy Jr in town...and we created a great little CHristmas keepsake.

It involved painting the feet...which was not quite as messy as I was anticipating.

We had to wait to let the little foot prints dry before adding the thumb-print 'rudolph nose.'

Let's just say that trying to paint a babies fingers when all they want to do is shove those fingers in their mouth makes for a very interesting task. 

But the finished product was so cute...look at how proud they are:

I love that Matilda has one reindeer with no toes...


And Paddy had one with a beehive

And of course, these pictures make good munching toys too...

I'm already brainstorming what we can do for a fun craft in January. I welcome any ideas!!


Anonymous said...

How adorable. Looks like you found lots of fun things to do at home while relaxing with Amy and Paddie Jr. Mom

Anonymous said...

I say completely cover Till in paint, let her roll around on a giant canvas. Rent an expensive place to display this unknown artist, serve expensive wine to art aficionados, charge $250,000 for each print,only sell 20 prints. Then buy the Menard place on the Chip...

Meghan said...

I love that they both put their art in their mouths. silly babies :)