I really do enjoy Christmas shopping. Especially shopping for those people who you know so well that you could buy them a million things you know they would like. Those are the people who I LOVE shopping for. Like Nate for example. He is ridiculously NOT picky, and in general enjoys most things. And...since we've known eachother for like a third of our lives I would say it is safe to say I know what he would really want.
But..man...what about those people that you really
want to get something for, but they either
A) have everything they could possibly need
B) have enough money to buy themselves anything they could possibly want
C) are difficult to shop for because you just don't trust yourself to know their style, or what they would really enjoy.
Well...I came across this website today (
http://www.excitations.com/). Now....for those of you reading this who think this is my lame attempt to give you a Christmas idea you are wrong. For one, they don't cover the Minneapolis area..or that would probably be my motivation. But honestly, I thought I would share because it really is a cool idea.
Basically, you buy your friend/family/etc an
experience vs. a gift. So you could buy them a local an in-home wine party, a childrens museum experience, or a picnic for two in their local park. There are a lot of other really cool 'experiences.'
Thought I would share in case any of you out there are struggling for that perfect something for that perfect someone.