Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Auntie G's Special Surprise

Picking up where we left off (seeing as I just got back from an amazing surprise vacation that the best husband and the world planned, of which will be blogged about soon)....

Vacation. Four kids and one cabin.
7 pictures. Remember this post?

Well, if you know me you know that I may as well have been a boyscout because 'be prepared' is a motto I hold dear to my heart.

So it wasn't with empty arms that I walked into this cabin situation.

It was with an armful of stuff I bought at Micheals on clearance.
21 things to be exact.
7 different items, for 3 kids.
One for each day.

I called it "Auntie G's Special Surprise"
(cmon, my job in the real world is to help brand products, I wasn't just going to call it crap from Michaels).

And. It. Worked.

Day One: Adorable tent. ($7.00)

I knew what I was doing. Start with a big one. Get them warmed up to the idea, and make sure it is one that they will play with every day (and they did).

Day Two: Grow A Toy. Sponge capsules that grow toys when put into water.
Perfect to pull out as all three kids were not so keen on bathtime this night. Cost: $1.00.
But let's be honest, three kids willingly taking a bath...priceless.

Then we got crafty....made crabs out of a little kit.

And then a few days later, made paper plate sea animals.

There was play dough stampers, and there were crayons and coloring books.

And...there were water guns.

It was a magical thing. Kids were being naughty or whiney...."not sure if we can do Auntie G's special surprise."

Need a diversion to get food ready? It's magically time for Auntie G's special surprise.

And this little one didn't get to partake this year...but next year she'll be running with the best of them.

And...a special bonus picture just for Uncle Todd. You mentioned kiddie cocktails.....

Of COURSE, Pop Pop didn't disappoint. And ordered a round of Kiddie Cocktails for the grandkids. As you can see, Matilda hated it.


Anonymous said...

I so want to flash back to a young age and hang with that fun crowd! I was lucky to get the empty oatmeal box with the "judge" on it for a drum. And the old stand by was go get a stick and lite it on fire so you can make 8 shades of gray on the sidewalk. And when I got tired of the stick I would lite my green army men on fire and listen to the cool zzzzzzzzzzzzz sound the meleting ooze made. Oh and I did have a magnifying glsass for ants. Come to think of it I had a lot, just not an organizer with an amazing mind. You might want to write a book....Great post eh?!!
Uncle Todd

Anonymous said...

Auntie G's special surprise, I'm guessing, will be a tradition from here on in...We'll see what you pull out of your hat when the clan are teenagers....!!!


Emily said...

I die for the pic of them in the tent! SO cute!!